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App store build - 3.4.0 - rsync failed


Trying to push an iOS SDK 8.0 App Store build , but on submission to App Store via Xcode i receive the error:

Rsync failed

"<IDEDistributionIssue: severity(error), error(Error Domain=ITunesSoftwareServiceErrorDomain Code=-20008 \"The package could not be unpacked because of the following error: Unable to extract archive.  Please make sure /var/folders/pl/j275sk254ln2lq5hn9h_c32c0000gn/T/XCodeDistPipeline.sej/Collars.ipa is a valid zip or ipa archive.\" UserInfo=0x7f83ceb491b0 {NSLocalizedDescription=The package could not be unpacked because of the following error: Unable to extract archive.  Please make sure /var/folders/pl/j275sk254ln2lq5hn9h_c32c0000gn/T/XCodeDistPipeline.sej/Collars.ipa is a valid zip or ipa archive., NSLocalizedFailureReason=Unable to validate your application.})>"
214-09-12 00:07:50 +0000 [MT] Canceled distribution assistant
This file is not here:


Is there anything i need to do relating to entitlements (beta).

All other builds work fine, just submission to app store.

Has anyone seen the same behavior.

Thanks in advance.

OSX 10.10 dp7 Xcode 6 iOS SDK 8.0 Ti Studio 3.4.0 SDK 3.4.0

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