// ************ CHECA SE O IOS É 7 OU 6 PRA BAIXO **************** // Function to test if device is iOS 7 or later function isiOS7Plus() { // iOS-specific test if (Titanium.Platform.name == 'iPhone OS') { var version = Titanium.Platform.version.split("."); var major = parseInt(version[0],10); // Can only test this support on a 3.2+ device if (major >= 7) { return true; } } return false; } isiOS7Plus(); var iOS7 = isiOS7Plus(); var theTop = iOS7 ? 20 : 0; var statusBar = iOS7 ? Titanium.UI.iPhone.StatusBar.LIGHT_CONTENT : Titanium.UI.iPhone.StatusBar.OPAQUE_BLACK; var tamanhoX = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformWidth; var tamanhoY = Ti.Platform.displayCaps.platformHeight; //////////////////////////////////////////////// // CURRENT WINDOW //////////////////////////////////////////////// var win = Ti.UI.currentWindow; win.orientationModes = [ Ti.UI.PORTRAIT, Ti.UI.LANDSCAPE_RIGHT, Ti.UI.LANDSCAPE_LEFT ]; var nav = win.nav; var drawer = win.drawer; //var arrayBusca = win.array Ti.Gesture.addEventListener( 'orientationchange', function(e){ Ti.API.info( 'Portrait: ' + e.source.isPortrait() ); Ti.API.info( 'Landscape: ' + e.source.isLandscape() ); }); //////////////////////////////////////////////// // TOP NAV //////////////////////////////////////////////// var topNav = Ti.UI.createView({ backgroundImage: 'imagens/rodape_bg.png', witdh: tamanhoX, height: 69, top: 0 }); win.add( topNav ); //////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// var voltarBtn = Ti.UI.createButton({ backgroundImage: 'imagens/Seta.png', width: 15, height: 25, left: '10%', zIndex: 5 }); topNav.add( voltarBtn ); var voltarBtnRect = Ti.UI.createButton({ width: 60, height: 69, left: '3%', top: 0, zIndex: 6, backgroundColor: 'transparent', //opacity: 0.5 }); topNav.add( voltarBtnRect ); voltarBtnRect.addEventListener( 'click', function(){ win.close(); }); //////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////// var rightBtn = Ti.UI.createButton({ backgroundColor: 'transparent', backgroundImage: '/imagens/menuIcon.png', width: 30, height: 31, color: 'white', right: 30 }); topNav.add( rightBtn ); rightBtn.addEventListener( 'click', function(){ if( drawer.isRightWindowOpen() == 0 ){ // Move a Window central para o lado para a right Window aparecer drawer.toggleRightWindow(); }else{ // Volta a window central para o meio da tela drawer.toggleRightWindow(); } }); //////////////////////////////////////////////// // TABLEVIEW //////////////////////////////////////////////// var data = []; for( var i = 0; i < 10; i++ ){ var row = Ti.UI.createTableViewRow({ selectionStyle: Titanium.UI.iPhone.TableViewCellSelectionStyle.GRAY, height: 90, backgroundImage: 'imagens/fundo_consulta.png' }); var logo = Ti.UI.createImageView({ image: 'https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/p320x320/10494856_10204330278201726_6670917489412805922_n.jpg?oh=ade3c4f73ba3b8aeedf02ca3f7685126&oe=54F01854&__gda__=1425504812_1f8c6901fa1fd0fff4d133a749725c54',//'imagens/referencia_logo.png', width: 75, heigh: 75, left: '5%' }); row.add( logo ); var nomeEst = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text: 'Universo Positivo', color: '#666666', font:{ fontSize: '16', fontWeight: 'bold' }, left: '30%', right: '15%', top: '10%', height: 18 }); row.add( nomeEst ); var endereco = Ti.UI.createLabel({ text: 'Rua Lauro Oscar Diefenthaeller, 243 Bairro União - Estância Velha - RS (51)8187-2327', color: '#666666', font:{ fontSize: '11' }, left: '30%', right: '15%', top: '30%', bottom: '8%' }); row.add( endereco ); var detalhes = Ti.UI.createImageView({ image: 'imagens/detalhes_btn.png', width: 30, height: 30, right: 10 }); row.add( detalhes ); data.push( row ); } var tableView = Ti.UI.createTableView({ data: data, backgroundImage: '#eeeeee', top: 69 }); win.add( tableView ); tableView.addEventListener( 'click', function(e){ var winDet = Ti.UI.createWindow({ url: 'detalhes.js', backgroundColor: '#eeeeee', nav:nav, navBarHidden: true, statusBarStyle: statusBar, drawer: drawer, top: theTop }); nav.openWindow( winDet ); }); ////////////////////////////////////////////////when I change my simulator orientation I get the listenerEvent for orientation changing but my layout not change with the window...
someone can help me here? I already add all orientations on tiapp.xml and I'm developing for iOS on Ti SDK 3.4.0