It seems that in 3.4.0RC the behaviour of background gradients has changed. I have a number of places where I am using gradients, some defined in code, some in the TSS file. They used to work as expected, but now give this error:
[ERROR] : message = "Invalid type passed to function"; [ERROR] : nativeLocation = "-[TiGradient setColors:] (TiGradient.m:168)"; [ERROR] : nativeReason = "expected: Array, was: Object";The code for the backgroundGradient is:
{ type: 'linear', startPoint: { x: '50%', y: '0%' }, endPoint: { x: '50%', y: '100%' }, colors: [ { color: "#ffffff", offset: 0.0}, { color: "#f0f0f0", offset: 1.0 } ] }and the TSS is:
".editor" : { backgroundGradient: { type: 'linear', startPoint: { x: '50%', y: '0%' }, endPoint: { x: '50%', y: '100%' }, colors: [ "#87C2E5", "#305582" ]}, },These are being applied to views created with
$.UI.create('View', {...})
Using either code or TSS to set the background gradient causes this error.
Ti SDK 3.4.0RC, Mac OS 10.9.4, Xcode 6.0.1, Simulator iOS 7.1 and 8.0.
Any ideas?